Forever Nij – All About Self-Love & Mindful Living

Flu Why Thy Make Me So Miserable!



Hi there my loveliness! Unlike me, hope you are doing well and did not fall into the trap the miserable flu. According to Center’s for Disease Control (CDC), this year’s flu is worse than any since any since the 2009 swine flu epidemic and is getting worse. Most people with the flu this season are infected with the H3N2 virus, one of the most severe — and deadly — strains of the seasonal flu. If you catch, you are miserable. Some of the common flu symptoms are:

Get immediate medical help if you have any of the following:

For children, if they start to get better and suddenly turn for the worse get immediate medical help since that can be a sign of bacterial infection.

This year the flu vaccine is only about 30% effective. However, to me, 30% is better than nothing. Additional, it can lessen the severity of the virus. Also, remember the flu shot does only protect you from the flu shot, it protects immuno-compromised people around you from you.

My lovely friends, I am no way a physician. Hence, take a physician’s advice. However, please follow some good hygiene to keep yourself safe: always wash your hands, eat a lot of vitamin C to boost your immune system.

Have you or your loved ones been attacked by the monster flu recently? How have you dealt with it? I would love to hear from you.

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———————————–   Happy Reading ———————————-

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