Forever Nij – All About Self-Love & Mindful Living

Defeat Your Dry/Cracked Feet Monster


Hi there my lovelies! Hope you had a wonderful long weekend. Today I want to discuss wit you regarding my battle with dry and cracked feet and how I finally defeated my monster.

If you are like me, then you know the agony of dealing with dry and cracked feet, and how unsightly it is to look at. I was always amazed by my grandma’s baby soft feet till her death on her 84th birthday. Her secret to soft feet is putting vaseline generously on her feet ever morning after a shower and then wearing sock all day. At night, she would wash her feet again and were soft cotton socks to go to bed.

I have tried by grandma’s routine and it just didn’t work for me. It reduced the dryness a little but my feet are still dry and cracked. My prayers were finally answered with Boscia Baby Soft Food Peel that I got from Sephora for $22. I was amazed how it got rid of all the trouble spots, leaving my feet nice and softer than ever before.

Description: This natural exfoliating peel contains alpha hydroxy acids and fruit extracts that help reveal softer and smoother skin. It gently removes dead skins from dry and rough feet and leaves smoother and rejuvenated skin.

How to Use:

  1. Thoroughly wash your feet. Fort best result, soak clean feet in warm water to soften skin.
  2. Open foil to remove booties, and to open booties cut along the dotted lines along each bootie with
  3. Slide one foot into each bootie, and leave on for 60 to 90 minutes depending on the amount of exfoliation you want. I left mine on for 90 minutes. For best result, wear a thick pair of sock over booties to warm feet and to help the formula penetrate into the skin. DO NOT move around on fee while wearing booties.
  4. Remove and discard booties once used.
  5. Dead skin cells will begin to naturally peel in four to five days. Individual peeling time varies and can take up to two weeks. DO NOT forcibly remove peeling skin.
  6. Wear socks until the peeling process is complete in order to contain dead skin and protect your feet.

Verdict: To be honest. I was a little bit skeptical at first about using this peeling treatment but then decided to give it a try. I followed the instruction. For me, the peeling process started slowly by day 6. However, by day 8, the peeling skin was very visible. I continued to follow my daily routine of washing my feet every day. I wore socks to protect my peeling feet. By day 11, I had soft, rejuvenated feet. My beautiful readers,  I defeated my dry and cracked feet monster thanks to Boscia Baby Soft Foot Peel.

If you have problems with dry and cracked feet and are tired of fighting with your monster try out this foot peel and let me know if it works for you. Is there any other routine you follow to keep your feet soft? What is your technique to defeat your dry and cracked feet monster? Please leave a comment.

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