Forever Nij – All About Self-Love & Mindful Living

Liebster Award Nomination



Hi there my lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Today I was nominated for my very first Liebster Award. I want to thank the wonderful Amina for nominating for the award. I cannot tell you how blessed and honored I feel today. Please check out her website and find out some cool things at:

The Rules:

Amina’s Questions:

1. What is your favorite social media platform?

My favorite social media platform is Facebook just because this is what I started using back in college and was on it available in a limited capacity.

2. Do you love your current job? Why?

I currently work in the cancer research arena. I lost 3 family members to cancer and now my just got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I want to make a meaningful contribution to cancer research so that people don’t keep losing their loved ones to this disease.

3. Favorite place you had traveled to?

Do I have to choose one? Well, I will choose the Bahamas.

4. How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging about 3 to 4 years now.

5. Who or what inspired you to start blogging?

Watching all the wonderful blogs inspired me to start blogging.

6. Ebook or paperback?

Definitely paperback.

7. Have you watched a movie more than once? If yes, what movie?

There are so many movies that I have watched more than once. They included the Marvel movies, Mission Impossible series, Expendables Series, Minion movies, and all the Disney and Pixar movies and animations.

8. Where do you reside?

I currently live in Maryland, United States.

9. Do you wear makeup every day or just for special occasions?

I like to wear less makeup as possible.

10. Have you become great friends with someone via social media?

I try to steer away from making friends online.

I nominate the following bloggers:

My questions for you :

  1. How would you describe yourself in a few words?
  2. What’s one of your biggest pet peeves?
  3. What do you want readers to take away from your blog?
  4. If you could choose anywhere in the world to live, where would it be?
  5. What movies do you like?
  6. If you had to donate money to charity, which one would you choose?
  7. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
  8. What is one law you would change if you could?
  9. If you can take someone with you in your travels, who would it be?
  10. What was the last thing that made you smile?

Hope you enjoy this post and as much as I love writing it. Don’t forget to check out my Facebook Page and follow me on Instagram @allaboutme3181. Are you on  Bloglovin? Let’s add each other. Please follow me and comment below with your information so that I can follow you back.

———————————–   Happy Reading ———————————-

Instagram:  @allaboutme3181

Follow my blog on  Bloglovin

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