Hi There! Welcome to my blog. I just wanted to introduce myself to the blog world. I am Munziba Khan. I am originally from Bangladesh. I move to Washington, DC when I was 13 years old and have been living here ever since. My background is Mongolian and Mughal dynasties. Yes, I am a descendent of Genghis Khan. I have ADHD and generalized anxiety disorder, which allowed me to appreciate small beauties and victories in life. I am also an Epidemiologist by training and have a passion for public health and health equality.

My job in the healthcare industry introduced and trained me in mindfulness-based meditation, giving me the passion and goal to live in the moment. The past five years of mindful practice gave me the opportunity to love myself and be comfortable being me. I am happy in my own skin. I love my mindful life and enjoy the small things in life, and be optimistic.

I am part of the Millennial generation and live with my parents and my sister and I love my life. My parents live with me and my sister and I love every moment with my family. What this pandemic taught me to not take my life for granted. I try to live everyday living life mindfully through practice, food, travel and well-being, and I will share my experience with you.


Growing up in Washington DC have given me another such gift, a chance to interact with so many beautiful people. My dad had a restaurant and as a result, I had a chance to interact with so many beautiful people who came to the restaurant, from former NFL player, model, and CDC deputy direct, Secretary of Treasury, to amazing people visiting Washington D.C. from all over the world and country.

My interaction opened me to appreciate different values and opinion. Now that I live in a more suburban neighborhood of Maryland, it’s allowing me to really sit in the quiet backyard and look at the sunset and the stars and reflect on myself and my life that is passing by in front of mine, while most of the time we let it stay in autopilot.

Blog Post Schedule

Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays

5 thoughts on “About The Blog and The Author

  1. so glad EyeAllureBlog nominated you for a challenge – as it allowed me to find your fun blog. many people don’t realize how fashion & cuisine help people appreciate diversity 🙂

    1. Awww! Thank you so much for the kind thoughts! Fashion and cuisine is a play of diverse taste and color and your understand that you need to appreciate all the beauty in such differences. I was fortunate enough to go up in a diverse Adam Morgan neighborhood of Washington DC filled with various cultural restaurants and my dad had one too. Working in his restaurant I got the chance to meet and learn from so many different types of beautiful people. Thank you again for your kind words.

  2. Thanks for all the likes and support!
    I like that your blog is filled with an array of topics relatable to me! Looking forward to reading all your post!
    Susan ☺

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