Beginner Ab Workout

During the holidays, we all crave sweets and then comes the regret part. I for one loose my motivation for ab workout due to strain in my back and neck due to crunches. Today, I will share beginner crunchless ab workout with you from Fitness Blender which is easy to and do and is easy on your back and neck. The exercises require little space and no equipments. Hope you enjoy it. Happy Reading.

Workout Details:

This crunch free abs routine is a great combination of light cardio and core toning moves that won’t have your neck or back aching. It’s a great place for beginners to start.

None of these exercises require any equipment at all, and they require minimal space, making this a workout that you could easily do in a hotel room, dorm room, or office.

There are nine different standing abs exercises in this routine. We are going to be doing each for a total of 50 seconds, for a routine that comes in at just around ten minutes total. There is a very short rest period in between each move (roughly 10 seconds).

The exercises in this routine are low impact enough that you don’t really need a warm up before you start this video. In fact, this Standing Abs Workout could serve as light warm up cardio to get your body ready for a more difficult routine.

Crunch Free Abs Exercises – 50 Seconds of each
Double Chop Knee Pulls – Starting with both arms overhead, pull down and across the body, twice, before resetting & repeating on the opposite side. This one is for the abdominals, obliques, hip flexors, shoulders and quads.

Torso Twist Jabs – Go into a shallow squat, and twist at the torso to push each fist out diagonally across your body. Maintain the bend in your knees during the entire interval, going deeper if you want to make it more challenging. Glutes, hamstrings, quads, obliques, chest, rhomboid & biceps are the focus of this one.

Standing Toe Touches – Just like it sounds; keep a straight back and lift one leg straight out in front of your body, bringing the opposite hand down to touch that toe. Lower the leg, bring the arm back up above your head, and then repeat with the opposite limbs. Make sure that you don’t use any jerking motions or momentum to get any additional range of motion out of the kick; it is okay if you can’t get your leg very high. You will feel this in your abs, obliques, hip flexors, and quads.

Four Twist Knee Ups – Four torso rotations with a diagonal knee up on the fifth twist, maintaining a shallow knee bend the entire time. Think of it in this rhythm; twist, twist, twist, twist, knee up. This is an awesome obliques exercise. Hip flexors and thighs also have to pitch in.

Crossover Toe Touches – Extend arms straight out from your shoulders, and in a smooth & controlled motion, twist at the torso & bend to touch the toes of the opposite foot. Come back up, and repeat on the opposite side. The target of this standing abs exercise is your lower back, abdominals, and obliques.

Side Squat + Knee + Side Squat – With hands behind your head, squat to one side. When you push up from that squat, bring one knee up to the opposite elbow, before dropping back into a side squat, and then repeating the entire sequence on the entire side. Glutes, thighs, obliques, hip flexors and abs are the used during this motion.

Slow-Mo Rotations – Extend arms straight out from shoulders, slowly and deliberately twisting at the torso as far as is possible in each direction. The more focus you put into the rotations, the better it targets your obliques.

Tap Jacks – In a movement similar to a slow motion jumping jack, step side to side while tapping one foot behind you. Really focus on deliberate motions & you will feel this in your core and especially obliques.

Side Bends – Extend your arms straight out and slowly bend from side to side. You will feel this especially in your obliques.

How many calories does this Fitness Blender routine burn?
We estimate that this 10 minute workout video burns between 5-7 calories a minute, or 50-70 total.

Hope you enjoy doing this easy workout that address your core and is a great combination of light cardio and core toning moves. Happy Holidays.

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